Mendeley and Elsevier Donation for 2015

Posted by Rintze M. Zelle

For a second year, Mendeley and Elsevier have generously supported the CSL project with a $5,000 donation. Donations like these allow us to dedicate time to the project, cover expenses, and pay out bounties for third-party work—in short, they help to keep CSL thriving. Our heartfelt thanks!

Over the past few months, Sankar Murugesan from Elsevier has also been contributing many custom CSL styles for Elsevier journals that don’t (yet) use one of the standard Elsevier citation formats. In addition, we were happy to see that Mendeley Desktop now recognizes the locale of non-English CSL styles, while providing an easy way to use CSL styles in other languages (see our guest post on the Mendeley blog).

We recently created a CSL style formatter as part of our efforts to make it easier to contribute styles. We contributed code to Zotero, which now like Mendeley allows users to quickly change the language used with their CSL styles (see the Zotero blog post). As the CSL project has become ever more mature and popular, we created a governance document to make our structure and decision-making more transparent to outsiders. Finally, part of this year’s donations have been reserved to pay a bounty to Sylvester Keil, who is developing a system to provide better feedback to style contributors. We are also looking for a new maintainer/developer of the Visual CSL Editor. Thanks to the donations made to the CSL project, we are able to offer (limited) funding to anybody willing to take over this work from Steve Ridout, the editor’s original developer.
